James F. Shipp

Expert Translations From Russian Into English

More than half a century of distinguished Russian-English translation and lexicography service

Certified by the American Translators Association

Carefully researched, high-quality, one-of-a kind translations

Rapid turnarounds at reasonable rates

Glossary preparation for large ongoing projects

Let's collaborate -- put my more than 50 years of experience to use to both our benefits


Areas of specialization:

- certificates

- chemistry

- clinical trials

- economics

- geosciences

- informed consent

- law

- medicine

- oil & gas

- pharmaceutics

- physics

and more


Rates and terms

8 cents per target (English) word [with no rush rate or minimum fee]

Payment due 30 days net

[I must ask all non-US clients to pay via PayPal]

I work extended hours and weekends to meet the needs of my European and other clients

Every morning brings a new challenge, from college transcripts to clinical trials to journal articles. I receive Russian documents spanning various subject areas and craft them into polished English translations that are thoroughly researched using state-of-the-art resources and are made to look as much like the original documents as possible. Without costly and laborious CAT tools, I provide high-quality translations in the MS Word format (which you are free to put into any program that suits you). I look forward to demonstrating my skills on your next translation project.

James F. Shipp, 3115 Auburn Rd., Crestview, FL 32539  (540) 686-6139
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